Asslamualaikum wr wb
A. The figure of Intact Competency Childhood Teachers
Professional competence includes early childhood teachers :
2) Master the basic concepts of early childhood education and related basic sciences,
3) Capable of performing the act that triggers the growth of the personal development of learners as a whole, which includes the following capabilities: (a) design activities, (b) implement the activities, (c) assess the process and results of activities, (d) to make improvements on an ongoing basis based on an assessment of the process and results of activities that trigger the development of learners, and (e) develop a sustainable professional.
B. Academic competence of early childhood teacher
1) Know Your learners in depth, include; physical development, cognitive, language, emotional and social development.
2) Master the theories of child development, including physical and psychological.
3) Ability to organize a game that sparked the development of learners, which include the following ;
(A) master the basic concepts of early childhood education and related basic sciences,
(B) designing a game that triggered the development of physical, cognitive, language, emotional and social, that promote creativity and the freedom to choose the character growth,
(C) able to find and make a game that means a simple or easy to obtain from the surrounding environment, but has the potential to educate and impact,
(D) implements the game that triggered the development of physical, cognitive, language, emotional and social freedom of choice that emphasizes creativity and growth of character,
(E) capable of assessing the development of learners that includes physical, cognitive, language, emotional and social development including kpribadian,
(F) capable of using assessment of student progress to improve the quality of sustainable development activities.
4) Able to and has a habit of developing a sustainable professionalism, which include ;
(A) able to reflect on its performance in facilitating the development of learners,
(B) is able to share your experiences with other early childhood educators, both informally and through the work of gathering,
(C) be able to expand their horizons through exploration of various sources of relevant information including the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).
6) Ability to conduct research class action.
C. Professional competence of early childhood teacher
Professional competence is the ability to apply academic competence in authentic situations in KB / TPA and TK / RA. This capability is reflected among others in the design of the game adjusts according to the situation (situational decisions) or changes in the organization of activities in accordance with the evolving situation (take a transactional decision).
Source: Signs - signs for early childhood Implementation PG / R & D Magazine community
Wasslamualaikum wr wb
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