Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Download Free Power ISO V5.0 In 2012 Full Version


Asslamualaikum wr wb

PowerISO is a software that functions to process image file or image file processing on a CD or DVD so that my friend can open, extract, edit, compress, create, split, encrypt, convert ISO files or file format, and mount the file with a virtual drive internal. Can be said to be able to process all image file formats including CD-ROM ISO and BIN file. With PowerISO, my friend can use the compressed file directly without decompressing.

Latest PowerISO 5.0 supports almost all image file formats CD-ROM or DVD as ISO, BIN, NRG, DAA, IMG, etc.. DAA is the latest image file format and that support today's most sophisticated features such as compression and password protection. 

Other features of PowerISO 5.0 is supported on the fly burning, UDF image files, make images from your hard disk or a CD or DVD-ROM, able to edit the image file, it can be mem-editing and burning audio CD image file, extract the files and folders from image , convert image files between ISO / BIN or other format, making bootable image file, optimizing the file to save disk space when saving a file, mount the file with internal virtual drive, supports shell integration such as drag, drop, and clipbiard, can open the file image of the XBOX, it supports command line parameters, and the latter is the language supports multiple languages ​​including UK, Arabia, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Portugal, Turkey, Italy, etc..

PowerISO v5.0 Terbaru 2012

To mount the feature file with internal virtual drive, virtual drive can handle that format directly if the image file is saved as DAA format.

System Requirements :
 1. Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows    2008.
    Windows 7 (32-bit)
2. Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7 (64-bit)
3.  Intel Pentium 166 MHz
4.  64 MB memory
5.  10 MB hard disk space.

Instructions for Downloading :
1. Click the logo / image that says "Download NOW".
2. Then you will be brought to a new Tab.
3. After that wait for the words "Please Wait .." in the upper right corner.
4. Then, after it would appear a matter of "5 Second" back numbers. Wait until it says "SKIP AD ".
5. And then please just click "SKIP AD ". Then, you will be taken to a page to download the files you download.

Good luck and hopefully useful friend so do not forget to click followers join in site on my blog .....ty.

Source : HERE

Wasslamualaikum  wr wb


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