Asalamualaikum wr wb
Here I want to share information for parents and all my friend, What is the definition of early childhood? let's get together to know that this discourse is not misunderstood, so we all can learn and understand together the early childhood and what should we know about early childhood.
1. Understanding early childhood and developmental stage
Early childhood development is an effort aimed at children from birth to age six years through the provision of educational stimulus to promote the growth and physical and mental readiness of the child to have to enter further education. Aims to develop a range of potential early childhood since early childhood as a preparation for life and can adjust to the environment. Some experts suggest :
- Wittrock, child development associated with the development of brain structures that are critical to the development of human thinking capacity
- Jean Piaget suggests children learn through interaction with the environment and the teachers act as facilitators
- Vigostsky Lev believes the experience of social interaction is essential for the development of the thought processes of children
- Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences in the state of human development
2. Organization of early childhood Variety
A. Formal workflow includes TK, RA or other forms of equal
B. Informal pathways include KB, TPA or other equivalent form
C. Informal pathways include Pendk. Family or Pendk. environment
3. Government policy in fostering early childhood
A. The three pillars of government policy (family, community and government)
B. Expansion and equitable access to early childhood
C. Improving the quality, relevance and competitiveness
D. Strengthening governance, accountability and public image.
4. Empowerment and community participation
A. The importance of community in early childhood
B. Community development stage
C. Forms of community participation
How can my loyal friend and the parents who loved ...... now we have them know about early childhood, happy to share information ...... thanks
Wasslamualaikum wr wb
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